Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Christmas! (Eve)

Merry Christmas everyone! Am at work until 4pm then off to pick Mike up from work, stop to pick up a few last minute groceries (mostly bread and milk) and then we'll head to Mom and Dad's. Lach has been there all day playing.

This morning I woke him up and told him Santa was coming tonight and he said to me "Santa brings train" HAHA that kid is too smart for his own good. His train table has been under our bed for months, picture face down and he's never seen it but every time he notices the big, heavy box he says "train! put it together!" WTF?? We have no idea how he knows what it is.

I LOVE being a parent! I can't wait to see the look on his face tomorrow morning. I may cry.

Yesterday I was home with him and, all before noon, I:

changed his bedding twice
gave him 2 baths
scrubbed the floors on my hands and knees
scrubbed the bathtub
had a shower

He had a poop after breakfast and decided he'd take his diaper off by himself. I was in the basement changing his sheets and blankets from the washer to the dryer and he greeted me at the top of the stairs, butt naked, with poop all over his legs, feet and hands. Talk about shock! I marched him back into the bathroom for bubby #2. There was poop all over his bed and clean sheet I had just put on, spots randomly on the floors from his bedroom down to the main level of the house. Oh man what a day. As Lach would say (in my sarcastic tone), it was an 'umsome' day (awesome). Ha! Priceless for sure.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

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